Halo Top
Ice Cream for Adults
Ice cream should go to those who need it most: Fully-grown adults with stressful jobs, dramatic heartbreaks, and occasional knee pain. Not little kids who’s lives are filled with joy and wonder. Luckily, at no more than 360 calories per pint, adults can eat Halo Top whenever they want.
D&AD - Graphite Pencil / Cannes Lion - Bronze / ADC - Gold x2 / Clio - Bronze / London International Awards - Silver
Love - This spot featuring Nick Vial, one of The Bachelor’s most recognizable contestants, premiered during the show.
Right before premiering the Nick Vail spot, we had our ice cream man make an appearance on the show to handout some much needed ice cream to the heartbroken contestants.
Social Content
Social media felt like the perfect place for bite size pieces of adult sadness. We made a ton, here are some of my favorites - conveniently strung together for your enjoyment.